Learn key indicators of job struggles from Chris Williams, ex-VP of HR at Microsoft, with 40+ years of experience.

Chris Williams shares insights on identifying if you're genuinely failing at your job or just going through a tough time.

Receiving consistent negative feedback from your manager? It's a crucial sign you may not be meeting expectations.

Harsh language in performance reviews can indicate serious issues. Pay attention to specific criticism.

If reviews focus mainly on your shortcomings, reassess whether these are core to your role or just minor improvements.

If your manager avoids you or cancels meetings, it could signal discomfort with discussing your performance.

Lack of communication from colleagues is also a red flag. They may distance themselves from your work quality.

Are you putting in more hours than your peers? Excessive effort can indicate you're struggling with your responsibilities.

When basic tasks take you much longer than others, it may reflect underlying performance issues.

Don't hesitate to reach out for assistance. Support from managers or peers can be vital in overcoming challenges.

Consider company training programs or one-on-one coaching. These can provide tools to help you succeed.

Addressing these signs proactively can prevent career setbacks and enhance your work life.

Remember, recognizing issues is the first step toward improvement. Don’t wait for feedback to seek help!

Struggling at work doesn't define you. With the right support and effort, you can thrive in your career.

An executive advisor and consultant, Chris has a wealth of experience in leading and building effective teams.