On Wednesday morning, the pillars of the Finnish Parliament were stained blood red in an environmental protest.

The Swedish group Återställ Våtmarker, in collaboration with Elokapina, claimed responsibility for the act.

Their message? Opposition to peat production, which they believe is destroying life-sustaining wetlands.

“We’ve had enough! We’re joining forces to stop Neova's destruction of wetlands,” the group declared on Facebook.

Neova, a Finnish state-owned company, is a major player in both Finland’s and Sweden’s peat production.

Activists are urging the Finnish government to ban peat extraction and move away from fossil fuels entirely.

“Not only our lives are at stake, but the lives of all future generations,” their message to the government stated.

Around a dozen activists sat calmly on the Parliament steps, wearing t-shirts with messages opposing peat mining.

Their shirts read phrases like "Torv är fossilt" (Peat is fossil fuel) and "Neova."

The group also livestreamed the protest on Facebook, with some holding a banner reading “Forbid peat mining.”

Elokapina, though not directly organizing the event, shared messages supporting the protest against Neova on social media.

The protest comes amid increasing calls for action to combat climate change and preserve natural ecosystems.

The activists' demand is clear: stop the exploitation of wetlands and take immediate action against fossil fuel use.